To welcome the Rector Major and his secretary, Fr Horacio López, and the Councillor for South Asia, Fr Maria Arokiam Kanaga, at the Salesian Don Bosco Care Home in Moolakadu, were the first beneficiaries of the Salesian mission - young people at risk, not only from Moolakadu but also from other centres for street children of the Province, Don Bosco Anbu Illam at Salem and at Namakkal.
During the meeting, Fr Á.F. Artime released a dove into the sky. The message he left the young people was: "Fly as high as the dove, but never forget your nest here. I entrust you to the care of the Salesians and volunteers. Always be cheerful and continue to be faithful Past Pupils of Don Bosco in the future."
Later he met the Salesian Family at the Salesian post-novitiate in Yercaud where he presided at the Eucharist. In his homily he said that our commitment to the salvation of youth "is not a profession but a vocation" which requires a complete gift of self, as Don Bosco gave the complete gift of himself. "For you I am willing to give even my life," he used to say.
This morning, Wednesday 16 November, the Rector Major once again brought hope to the young people most in need of attention, at the Anbu Illam and Mariyalaya centres in Coimbatore. "My heart is immensely happy to see you, little friends! I promise you I will remember you in my prayers," he said and to the Salesians, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and volunteers he recommend that they show the utmost care to the young people living in the centres.
Before leaving the Tiruchy province the Rector Major congratulated the members of the Social Communication Team (DB MEDIA) for the high quality of services rendered during his visit.
From this afternoon the Rector Major is visiting the Province of India-Hyderabad.
Numerous photos of the visit of the Rector Major in Trichy Province are available on ANSFlickr.