El Salvador - Meeting of the Salesian Family from Interamerica

26 October 2023

(ANS - Ayagualo) - A meeting of those in charge of the Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB) and the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) with representatives of other groups of the Salesian Family active in the Salesian Region of Interamerica is taking place these days (23-26 October 2023) at the "Sacred Heart of Jesus" retreat house in Ayagualo, El Salvador. A total of 46 people from 10 different countries took part. 

The meeting was convened by Fr Joan Lluís Playà, Central Delegate of the Rector Major for the Secretariat for the Salesian Family. 

This kind of meeting takes place every five or six years in all regions of the world, to launch newer themes, mark newer paths and identify newer challenges and situations that the Salesian Family has to face in the different realities. 

"We are convinced that a common reflection on this reality that identifies us, is fruitful and can help us to look around and forward as a group," said Fr Playà at the opening of the proceedings. 

Among the topics developed was a summary of the reality of the groups, their strengths, their areas in which it is still possible to grow, and the challenges to be faced in order to deepen this reality. In addition, Fr Luis Timossi proposed the theme of how to express Salesian charismatic identity in this ever-changing world. 

The aspect of group animation and accompaniment besides the responsibilities of animators were also addressed.  

One of the central points was to reflect on the relationship between the Salesian Family and the Salesian Youth Movement and Youth Ministry, noting that it is necessary to be able to offer spaces in which the young can live and grow in the Salesian way of life, so that then those who wish to do so, as adults, can mature in their vocational choices. 

"The Salesian Family, especially in its educational space, offers a framework, facilitates a process, develops a project that contributes in a profound way to the formation, education and growth of young people, so that they can be responsible in society, according to the criteria that are in the Gospel of Christ," Fr Playà further noted. 

He concluded by saying: 'We are not groups whose purpose is only to meet - although this always generates great joy. The challenge is that every centre, space, person and group can realize what we have proposed. We are on a path to success, and this is a real alternative for living in a world that sometimes disorients us and makes it difficult. Young people get lost in the rambles of life, while the Salesian space offers a very interesting alternative for those who want to consider it for their own lives".


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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