At the opening of the meeting, Fr Alfonso Bauer (Provincial of URU), stressed that the PEPSI is not only "an intellectual task, but also a way of working in which the culture of encounter is important, in which each on participates with his own contribution and potential".
Thereafter, Fr Francisco Lezama, Provincial Delegate for Youth Ministry, presented the methodology of PEPSI which, he stressed, defines "the evangelising and educative identity of every Salesian presence". And he also clarified that PEPSI is not only "a concrete product to be known and disseminated, but also a methodological proposal for educative-pastoral work, and above all a process already underway, of discernment and transformation of the Province, which involves every member, group and structure... We need a PEPSI that enthuses us, that reconnects us 'to the dream', with what we most genuinely carry within us in our vocation as educators and pastors, in our Salesian identity", Fr Lezama stressed.
“We need a PEPSI that excites us, that reconnects us 'to the dream', with what is most genuine within us in our vocation as educators, as pastors, in our Salesian identity,” Fr Lezama emphasized.
This PEPSI, he said, translates into 4 paths:
1) A DOCUMENT, which systematically expresses the conceptual aspects of the project;
2) A MAP, which graphically expresses a global and symbolic vision of the project;
3) A NARRATIVE, which metaphorically expresses the mystique of the project;
4) AN OPERATING MODEL, which expresses the guidelines for carrying out the project.
After this first presentation, some groups shared their respective experiences in defining their identity, aims and processes.
Then, under the guidance of Fr Nicolás Soto, Provincial Coordinator of the Salesian Youth Movement, they continued to deepen the PEPSI, which also includes the definition of intentions and channels of animation (dynamics, processes, devices and reference contents). And so the work continued, alternating moments of work for groups and moments of sharing.
The day ended with the Eucharist presided over by the Provincial, who in his homily invited everyone to "take up what we have lived today and, starting from this experience, to recognise ourselves and renew our faith together".
On Friday 22, after the Eucharist, the Salesians and the laity met the Delegate for Youth Ministry of the Province of "Spain-Mary Help of Christians" Fr Jordi Lleixà online. During his talk he said: “the mission we have in our hands does not belong to us; it belongs to God and is centered on young people.” Moreover, he said “we are not the protagonists. We must connect young people to Jesus and not to us.” And he also stressed that the implementation of PEPSI is a long-term, community-based work and that it must be realistic. “God will never ask us for more than we can do. He always accompanies us and will never leave us,” he concluded.
The meeting ended with a dynamic workshop aimed at encouraging sharing and mutual attention organized by Fr Adrián García, SDB, Provincial Delegate for Mission Animation.