GFS 2016 inglese
GFS 2016
RM Messaggio 31 Gennaio 2016 inglese
RM Messaggio 31 Gennaio 2016
Sao Paolo, Brazil – February 20th, 2016 – On February 20th, at the Don Bosco Parish of the Salesian Community St. Thomas Aquinas, 7 Salesians were ordained deacons. They come from the provinces of Belo Horizonte (2), Porto Alegre (3), Recife (1) e San Paolo (1). The ceremony was presided over by Msgr. Julio Endi Akamine, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Sao Paolo and was concelebrated by Fr. Natale Vitali, Councillor for the America South Cone Region, and by the Provincials Edson Donizetti Castilho (BSP), Fr. Asídio Deretti (BPA), Fr. Orestes Carlinhos Fistarol (BBH) and Fr. Nivaldo Luiz Pessinatti (BRE).