(ANS - Madrid) - In the course of a really festive occasion, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, Rector Major, presented himself as a father, offering the appropriate word to each group he met. Meeting the 400 Salesians he spoke to them from the heart: "We have a beautiful Congregation"; "We are people of faith, with our weaknesses", but with "a common project" and "we do a lot of good."
(ANS - Rome) - Being alert and conscious communicators, knowing that presence on the Internet is one of the signs of the times to be accepted and used as a gift of God - this was the central theme of the 2016 Salesian Communication Days. This is now the fifth year of this initiative which took place in Rome at the Salesian Pontifical University on 29 and 30 April. Over 160 members of the Salesian Family in formation took part to study the Pope’s message for the 50th World Social Communications Day.
(ANS - Miejsce Piastowej) - Thirty-three religious of the Congregation of Saint Michael the Archangel (Michaelites), both priests and brothers from the 15 countries where the Congregation has spread, gathered at their Mother House in Miejsce Piastowej, in Southern Poland, for their 21st General Chapter from 14 to 30 April 2016. On Monday 25 April they elected as their new Father General Fr Dariusz Wilk (born 21 June 1967) who previously held the post of educator.
(ANS - Tarqui) - While the situation in the north of Ecuador is gradually improving, people continue to experience post-traumatic stress which often leaves serious consequences for people and generates feelings of fear, a desire to escape and a tendency to despair, not only because of the earthquake but also for the future. Many are homeless, with nowhere to go, and with children and family members dead. The Salesians have decided to remain with the people to accompany them with their presence and prayer.