by Renato Cursi
The formation was especially addressed to the Provincial Delegates for Youth Ministry who have been appointed since one or two years, but also to Salesians who are preparing to assume this responsibility in their Provinces. It was not an initiative imposed “from on high”: the Dicastery for Youth Ministry responded to a request that was becoming ever more insistent from the Provinces.
The School was prepared by the Dicastery around the following objectives:
- Promoting in the Delegated a profound vision of the fundamental elements of the Salesian legacy concerning the service of pastoral animation, in tune with the “Frame of Reference” of Salesian Youth Ministry.
- Providing the Delegates with adequate competence for the animation, management and educative-pastoral coordination at the service of persons, groups and Educative-Pastoral Communities.
- Favouring the personal growth of the Delegate.
The school foresaw a modular formation system, organized around three main areas: the necessary knowledge, the “know how”, and aspects related to the person of the Delegate. There was also the proposal of the «Portfolio» instrument: a free and personal logbook, to update at the end of each day. Significant were the contributions of speakers, coming from various countries and with a solid experience, and the atmosphere of fraternity and globality.
The final evaluation was equal to a general appreciation. There was the request to dedicate more time to personal study, to formation on the theme of pastoral planning, with reference to the drafting of the OPP (Overall Province Plan) and of the Provincial Salesian Educative and Pastoral Project.
The significance of the relationship between the Delegate for Youth Ministry and the Provincial with his Council was underscored, as was the relationship with the Salesian communities committed in the local animation.
The in-depth analysis of the “personal attitudes” of the Delegate was also appreciated: from the care for personal time, to the study of documents and the life of prayer. It was also requested that the study of the relational and psychological dynamics linked to the delicate role of the Delegate be likewise strengthened.
Despite requests in this sense, for the time being there is no intention of transforming this School into an ongoing formation that can be attended several times in a participant’s life. Nevertheless, the Dicastery plans to organize a second edition before the end of the six-year period.
Finally, it is to be noted that this School is in line with journey the Congregation has planned with GC27 to promote the availability for planning and collaboration, so that the Salesian Youth Ministry may be a true prophecy (GC27, nn.70ss).