Guntur, India - March 8, 2016 - The Salesian Institute for Rural Integral Development organized a special celebration for International Women's Day. Fr Thathireddy Vijaya Bhaskar, Provincial of Hyderabad, presided. He stressed the importance of programmes to assist women in the various Salesian works.
(ANS - Tucumán) – The centenary of the Salesian presence in Tucumán is a deeply significant date for the social, religious and cultural life of the city. Two priests, a confrere in practical training and three brothers arrived in Tucumán on 11 February 1916. At the time, no one could have foreseen the size that such a presence would have acquired over time, even if in fact it could already have been assumed that the Salesians were capable of achieving, considering what they had already achieved in the vast field of evangelization of Patagonia since 1875, the year of their arrival in Argentina.
Huancayo, Peru – 8 March 2016 - the International Women's Day Celebration at the Salesian College, Santa Rosa.