(Vatican City) - On 18 February 2016, during the Special Meeting of the Theological Consultors, a positive opinion was given (9 votes out of 9) on the reputation of holiness and the exercise of heroic virtues of the Servant of God José Wech Vandor (1909-1979). He was a Salesian priest and a missionary in Cuba in difficult times for the Church and for the Congregation.
By Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, SDB
Postulator General of the Causes of Saints of the Salesian Family
(ANS - Mumbai) - Youth Ministry, Social Communication and Missionary Animation are three strategic sectors for the Salesian Congregation which need to work in synergy with each other. This belief is the reason behind the meeting that is taking place these days in Mumbai between the Councillors of these Departments and the Provincials of the Southern Asia region, in the presence also of the Regional Councillor, Fr Maria Kanaga Arokiam.
Rabaul, Papua New Guinea - February 25, 2016 - "As Christians we want to build bridges.” With this sentence, on 25 February, Archbishop Francesco Panfilo, SDB, of Rabaul, blessed the Vunapope Bridge at Rabaul. Built in 1830, the bridge gives access to the main cathedral of Vunapope. It was unusable for some time, before being restored by the Nivani Company.