Twelve Baskets Full: Walking Green with Jesus’ Gaze
In evidenza

15 Febbraio 2022

Father Ricopar Royan, Rector of Don Bosco School of Excellence, Coimbatore, and the South Asia Regional Coordinator of "Don Bosco Green Alliance", has authored the book. Taking inspiration from Pope Francis' Laudato Si, the book is about Jesus, the environmental crisis and human behaviour. The book invites us to look at the gazes of Jesus in today's ecological context and draw wisdom for the right perspectives and green living.

In the foreword, Father Biju Michael, General Councillor for South Asia Region, wrote, ''Father Ricopar has focused on the 'gaze' of Jesus narrated in the Gospels as the inspiration for the required conversion of heart in human beings to care for the earth, our common home. He presents seven passages of the Gospels in which he sees Jesus' action and teaching to be inspiring the kind of attitudinal change required to overcome the environmental crisis that faces us today.''

The book will be of great help for leaders and facilitators on eco-spirituality based on the gazes of Jesus leading to compassionate care for the earth. For young leaders and facilitators, the eco-spirituality, basing on the gazes of Jesus, will be of good start that will eventually lead to a compassionate care for the Common Home.


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