New books for Youngsters on Sts. Bishop Luigi Versiglia & Fr. Callisto Caravario, Salesian Proto Martyrs

09 Febrero 2021
There is no translation available.

It was February 25th 1930, Bishop Versiglia and Fr. Caravario were on the pastoral visitation of the Linchow mission along with a few young companions. During the journey, a group of pirates stopped and raided the Bishop's boat, trying to seize three young catechists. To shield the safety and the purity of the three young Christian women, the Bishop and Fr. Caravario confronted them with all their strength. They were forcibly beaten and shot at Lai Tau Tsui, in the bamboo forest near the Lin Chow River. Pope St. Paul VI recognised their martyrdom in 1973.  They were included by Pope St. John Paul II among the Blessed on May 15th 1983 and canonised on October 1st 2000.

In year 2016 and 2019, “Vox Amica Pres” wrote and published for youngsters the books on Saint Louis Versiglia and Saint Callistus Caravario respectively in Chinese. To celebrate the special anniversary of 2020 – 90th Anniversary of Martyrdom (1930-2020) and 20th Anniversary of Canonization (2000-2020) – last November the Salesian publisher released the two books into English.

In the current time of enjoyment culture, social instability and ever changing environment, bombardment with information and different opinions, God's will and His plan, patience, perseverance and endurance are difficult to grasp not to mention about sacrifice for someone. Through the story and experience of the two Saints, youngsters will learn that we may not able to get what we desire immediately, there are times that we will experience difficulties and changes, we need to pray, search for God’s will and plan for us, trust that God will protect and lead us through good times and bad times.  In Christ, we have love, strength, courage and security.

Saint Louis Versiglia: A good shepherd who gave his life for the sheep and Saint Callistus Caravario: A good missionary sincerely devoted to Christ are two story books with colorful illustrations dedicated to the youngsters.

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Don Bosco Publishing Services, Vox Amica Press 


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