ANS FOTO - ANSPhoto - November 2022 (Year XXVI No.576)

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01. Orange, United States - November 2022 - On Nov. 25 at the "Don Bosco Residence" center in Orange, New Jersey, Rector Major, Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime, concluded his visit to the Salesian Province of the United States East and Canada (SUE) by celebrating Mass with Salesians in initial formation - Salesian coadjutors and priests of the five-year term - and formators.
02. Bangalore, India - November 2022 - On November 12, the Vicar of the Rector Major, Fr. Stefano Martoglio, began his visit to the Salesian Province of Bangalore (INK). Fr. Martoglio visited the "Don Bosco Aluva," the Province's Philosophy Dept., the "Mama Margaret" Home for the Elderly, the "Don Bosco" Cultural Center in Vennala, Kochi, the "Don Bosco Snehabhavan Pallurthy," and the Salesians of the Province's Kerala region.
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03. Lisbon, Portugal - November 2022 - The World Consultation on Social Communication was held from October 29 to November 1. The meeting was attended by about two dozen representatives from different Salesian Regions, exponents of the Sector of Communication, the Salesian Bulletin and Salesian Publishing Houses, led by Fr. Gildasio Mendes, General Councilor for Social Communication, and various members of the Sector for Social Communication.
04. Genoa, Italy - November 2022 - From November 3 to 5, Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, visited the Salesian works in Alassio, Genoa-Sampierdarena and Varazze and presided over the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of their foundation. In Varazze he also received honorary citizenship, while in Sampierdarena he experienced a touching meeting with the Latin American community and youth and inaugurated a football field.
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05. Batulao, Philippines - November 2022 - The regional meeting of the Provincial Delegates for Missionary Animation (DIAM) for the East Asia-Oceania Region was held Nov. 10-12 in Batulao, animated by Fr. Alfred Maravilla, General Councilor for Missions, and Fr. George Menamparampil, collaborator of the Sector for Missions.
06. Turin, Italy - November 2022 - From November 6 to 12 in Valdocco the Provincial Councils of the Central and Northern Europe Region, together with the Regional Councilor, Fr. Roman Jachimowicz, took part in the Spiritual Exercises preached by the Rector Major and 10th Successor of Don Bosco, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime.
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07. Lagos, Nigeria - November 2022 - The first Congress of the Salesian Youth Movement of the Africa Nigeria Niger Province (ANN) was held from November 10-13, with the theme: "As leaven in today's human family: the lay dimension in the family of Don Bosco" and coinciding with the celebration of 40 years of Salesian presence in Nigeria.
08. Odesa, Ukraine - November 2022 - The "Don Bosco Youth Center" in Odesa celebrated its 22nd year of activity by holding an event attended by more than 250 people. Since 1999, the Salesian work has been carrying out multiple activities with children and youth, with the goal of making them good Christians and upright citizens.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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