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(ANS - Turin) - On Saturday, 27 November 2021, a conference was held at the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Theology at Crocetta in Turin, to study the spiritual figure of the Venerable Salesian, Fr Giuseppe Quadrio, on the occasion of the centenary of his birth in Vervio, in the province of Sondrio, Italy, on November 28, 1922.
(ANS - Rome) - Over the past weekend, from 26 to 28 November, the General Assembly, the most important meeting of the World Confederation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco, which occurs every six years, took place online. On the occasion, the World Presidency was also renewed, which since yesterday has been entrusted to the leadership of Bryan Magro, Maltese Past Pupil, the current Economer of the Confederation.
(ANS - Turin) – On Saturday, 27 November, a conference will be held on the figure of the venerable Salesian Fr Giuseppe Quadrio in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Theology of the Crocetta in Turin on the occasion of the centenary of his birth.
(ANS – Munich) – During a symposium, on October 28, with the participation of the Bavarian State Minister for Family, Labour and Social Affairs, Carolina Trautner, as well as experts from science and practice, the Salesians of Don Bosco in Munich draw attention to the accessibility of “disconnected” and hard-to-reach young people. According to estimates, more than 480,000 adolescents and young adults between the ages of 14 and 25 are currently not in employment, school or training in Germany. State and social institutions often do not reach them.