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(ANS - Rome) - "I need to believe. It is a need neither alive nor mature, to tell the truth, a childish need to feel protected, to be judged benevolently, understood, and possibly forgiven," Federico Fellini said in a conversation with journalist and friend Sergio Zavoli. The "need" to remember one of the greatest directors in the history of cinema prompted the organization of a double event - a seminar and a gala evening - at the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS) in Rome. The appointment, titled "Fellini tra Cielo e Terra. Testimonianze and Studi sul Sacro in Federico Fellini," takes place on Friday, May 5, 2023, and will celebrate the meaning of the Sacred in the work of the great director.

(ANS - Rome) - In the splendid setting of the Palazzetto Mattei, inside the park of Villa Celimontana al Celio in Rome, on 3 March 2023 the Italian Geographical Society presented the volume of the Proceedings of the International Study Conference promoted by the Salesian Historical Institute (Rome, UPS, 25-27 April 2022): Don Alberto Maria De Agostini. L'ultimo esploratore della 'Fine del mondo' (1883-1960), edited by Fr. Francesco Motto, SDB.

(ANS – Bangalore) – The 12th Annual National Convention of all Don Bosco TVET centers of India is being held from 03rd – 05th February 2023 at Don Bosco Skill Mission, Bangalore (Karnataka). The Convention was graced by Fr. Biju Michael, (Regional Councilor, South-Asia); Fr. Davis MJ (Provincial Incharge and President of Don Bosco Tech Society); Fr. George Mathew (Executive Director, Don Bosco Tech Society); Fr. Noble George (Asst. Director, Don Bosco Tech Society) and Fr. Joseph Elavanal (Director, DBSM). The convention saw a participation of about 100 members which consists of Technical Commission Head and Principals and Directors of TVET centers from the 11 provinces in India along with National and State team members of Don Bosco Tech Society.

(ANS - Padua) - An event to celebrate the centenary of the proclamation of St. Francis de Sales as Patron Saint of Journalists and Writers will take place in Padua on January 28, 2023, organized by the Italian Catholic Press Union (UCSI) and the Salesian International Higher Institute of Educational Research (ISRE). Scheduled at the Theological Study Hall of the Basilica of St. Anthony, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. (UTC+1), the event shall also contribute to an in-depth discussion of some of the themes proposed by Pope Francis in his recent apostolic letter "Totum amoris est" (Everything pertains to love) on the figure of the holy bishop of Geneva.

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ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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