Traditionally in January, the retreats of the formative proposal of Youth Ministry are held at both the local and provincial levels. Moreover, every year - but during this 2019 in a special way - the "exodus" of young people has always been massive, with youths changing their homes for a few days to serve in the activities of some Salesian house. Here are some testimonies received from the ARN Province.
In Salta, the summer oratory in the courtyards of the parish school "Ceferino Namuncurá" is organized by young people who actively participate in youth groups, together with a large number of children in the neighborhood and the animators of the "Ángel Zerda" institute, which every summer join these activities. Over the past few weeks, almost 300 children and teenagers aged 8 to 17 participated, sharing group games, soccer tournaments, basketball and table games, thanks to the help of 27 oratory animators.
In Corrientes, the initiative of "Patio Bosco 2019" was divided into five oratories where the young animators and the Salesian community went to bring the joy and testimony of Jesus. A group of 10 volunteers from Salta, Rosario, Cordoba and Formosa accompanied the activities, produced in favor of numerous children and young people aged 3 to 15 years.
At Chaco, in the Salesian community of Fontana, the 20th edition of the "Salesian Week of the Oratory" was held. The oratorian activities were carried out in eight different neighborhoods, each of which was animated by about 25 to 30 young people and adults who accompanied about 200 children and teens.
In Santiago del Estero, the summer camp animated about 400 young people and was carried out by about 35 young animators and 21 volunteers.
To fulfill a Salesian summer, undoubtedly, there is need of the effort, the commitment and dedication of a huge number of people, people who pursue a single goal: holiness in the style of Don Bosco.
{gallery}Argentina - ARN - Attivita 2019{/gallery}