On the first day, accompanied by the Salesian Provincial in Bolivia, Fr Javier Ortiz, the participants were involved in activities to get acquainted and learn about the different models of PDOs, their respective situations and challenges.
Subsequently the engineer Humberto Camacho, Coordinator of the Projects Office for Bolivia (OFPROBOL), explained the goal of the meeting: "We will work to identify what the horizon holds and the challenges we must face to strengthen the PDOs, what good practices we can learn and share and, starting from all this, what synergies we can develop towards working as a network that we have planned for the next two years."
On the second day, in a climate of growing familiarity, several Salesian NGOs from Europe and the United States presented some of their successful experiences. On this occasion, Lorenzo Marfisi, VIS Coordinator in Latin America and the Caribbean, also spoke, illustrating the context of development cooperation in that region.
Dr Marfisi addressed the topic starting from the Salesian concept of development, as it derives from the Salesian Constitutions and from several General Chapters. Then he reasoned on Human Rights, especially at the educational level, which in the region have goals set for 2021, the year in which several countries will celebrate the bicentenary of their independence. And finally, he explained how the new methodologies and development concepts can be used to ensure that Salesian vocational training centers and houses know how to offer better and higher education.
Afterwards, there were no lack of presentations regarding the degree of "employability" of young people, a model of German-Bolivian trade and industry, dual technical training, practice-oriented journalistic training and various other topics.