The need to address this issue, as stated by the President of the PGS, Lawyer Ciro Bisogno, arises from the need to highlight that segment of the Reform of Sport that constitutes a fundamental step to build a true culture of sport. Issues such as the protection of minors and the fight against and prevention of harassment, gender violence and any other kind of discrimination cannot leave a Sports Promotion Body indifferent, especially one that cares about the fate of young people and is committed to providing its daily contribution in the social contexts of the country. Today more than ever, a collective commitment is needed in the construction of a sports association that is able to respond to all the needs of the youth world and society.
The primary objective of the conference, said Prof. Andrea Farina, Professor of Juvenile Legislation at the Faculty of Education Sciences and Coordinator of the Salesian Observatory for the Rights of Minors, is first and foremost to dedicate a moment of national discussion to the issue of safeguarding policies in sports. We also want to foster a culture of prevention in sport and an understanding of which organisational protection models best suit associations in this area.
Expert speakers will include Prof. Emanuele Isidori, Dr. Ugo Taucer, Dr. Valerio de Gioia, Dr. Clotilde Scolamiero and Lawyer Gianluca Mulé. The Guarantor Authority for Children and Adolescents, Dr. Carla Garlatti, will also participate through a greeting video.
The event is organised under the patronage of the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), the Italian Paralympic Committee and the "Sport and Health" organisation.
For detailed information on the programme, please visit: