Italy – Artificial Intelligence and "The Oratory". Two events for reflection and debate at UPS

14 May 2024

(ANS – Rome) – The Faculty of Social Communication Sciences (FSC) of the Pontifical Salesian University (UPS), based in Rome, is promoting two events in May, the month in which the World Day of Social Communications is celebrated (this year, Sunday 12th) as well as the anniversary of the charismatic Letter from Rome by Don Bosco (10 May). They will explore the dimension of communication in its current and future panorama and the continuing relevance of the Salesian presence among young people at risk. These issues will be addressed through the presentation of a book on "Artificial Intelligence. In search of humanity", Thursday 16 May 2024, and the screening of the film "The Oratory", Friday 17th.

How is artificial intelligence (AI) entering the productive dynamics of the information world? How do we respond to a hyper-technological drift that seems unstoppable? And what courses do you need to take to use AI without being used in return? "Artificial Intelligence: In search of humanity" has come about as a result of these questions and also requests of Pope Francis. It is published by LAS and the work of Fabio Pasqualetti and Vittorio Sammarco.

As the Pope wrote in his message for World Communications Day, the speed with which artificial intelligence is spreading "has proven both exciting and disorienting. This leads inevitably to deeper questions about the nature of human beings, our distinctiveness and the future of the species homo sapiens in the age of artificial intelligence. How can we remain fully human and guide this cultural transformation to serve a good purpose? These are words addressed to everyone, believers and non-believers, first of all clearing away "catastrophic predictions and their numbing effects."

On 16 May, several UPS FSC professors will take part in these issues, asking themselves – as they have done since 2012 with the publications of the ‘Percorsi di Comunicazione’ series by the Salesian publisher LAS – not to provide pre-packaged answers, but ones that are reasoned and verified based on their own disciplines, to the great challenges of our time.

After the institutional greetings of the Rector Magnificus, Fr Andrea Bozzolo, and amid contributions from the two authors – who will share the introduction (Sammarco) and the conclusions (Pasqualetti) – we will talk about how AI is changing many areas of the daily and professional life of each individual: its involvement in journalism or advertising, scientific research,  art and aesthetics, judicial systems and even in the search a "soul mate".

The following day, Friday 17 May, as a tribute to the Bicentenary, this year, of Don Bosco's Childhood Dream, the film "The Oratory" will be screened. It came from the idea of Nigerian Salesian Fr Cyril Odia, who will be present in the hall. The film presents the Salesian charism and the life of St John Bosco in an African context and has already been presented in various works and realities in various countries (from Africa to Northern Europe). The screening will be introduced by Salesian teacher and film expert Fr Renato Butera.

For more information, please visit:

Artificial intelligence. In search of humanity

"The Oratory"


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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