(ANS - Santiago) - Evangelizing through music, meetings and, above all, through the use of social media (television, radio, internet ...) is the objective of the Catholic community "Canção Nova" (New Song), an association of faithful founded in 1978 by the Salesian priest Jonas Abib, and welcomed among the groups of the Salesian Family in 2009. The charism of "Canção Nova" arrived in Chile in 2008, thanks to three consecrated missionaries from the community.
(ANS - Rome) - An instrument of redemption, of rebirth, of new life for thousands of young people: that's what Salesian Vocational Training means for thousands of children and young people across the globe. It is an action whose aim is to facilitate social integration and provide young people an opportunity to enter the job market on th basis of solid education, the care of - and guidance for - each and every single student and the human formation of the student.
(ANS - Paris) - Soon it will be Christmas: the streets and houses are illuminated, parties with friends and relatives are organized, people look forward to the joy of meeting... But this is one of the most difficult periods for young people housed in minors institutions. Below, the testimony of Fr Jean-Marie Petitclerc, Salesian priest and educator, and founder of the "Le Valdocco" Association.
(ANS - Lisbon) - When we talk about loving kindness, I immediately think of my mother: she never talked about this theme, but everything she did, and does, for my growth, gives full meaning to this word.