(ANS - Brasilia) - Since 1915 the Salesian mission has operated with 23 indigenous ethnic groups in the Rio Negro region and its tributaries in the extreme north of Brazil. The Salesian missionary dimension in the country finds expression above all in the presence among the original peoples: the Provinces of the Salesians of Don Bosco "St Domenico Savio", based in Manaus (BMA), and "St Alfonso Maria de 'Liguori" based in Campo Grande (BCG), and the Provinces of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians dedicated to “Laura Vicuña” and “Santa Teresinha” (Manaus) and “Our Lady of Peace” (Cuiabá), are considered missionary Provinces for this very reason.
(ANS - Lima) - The Salesians of Peru, through the "Fundación Don Bosco" and thanks to the collaboration of the Salesian Mission Offices and the coordination of the "Don Bosco Solidarity vs Covid-19" project, have been helping the population who for months now have been put to the test, thanks to the pandemic and its consequences. With the practical spirit proper to the Sons of Don Bosco, they deal with needs one at a time, ready for one intervention after the other, with the sole objective of bearing witness to God's love to brothers in need.
(ANS - Vatican City) - In his message to the Seminar promoted by the Union of General Superiors and the International Union of General Superiors on the challenge of "rebuilding the global educational pact", held online from 12 to 14 November, the Holy Father thanks the avant-garde work in the field of education carried out by consecrated persons in the world, and, in history, as they do today with “so much commitment and enthusiasm”.
(ANS - São Paulo) - Since 2017 the Holy Father has proposed the World Day of the Poor to the whole Church, a way to motivate the faithful to reflect and to live the various experiences of attention to the most needy in society. In this 2020, the Day is celebrated next Sunday, November 15, on the theme "Stretch thine hand unto the poor," (Sir 7:32). More than an invitation, this year's message is an appeal, a cry that resounds throughout the world, especially in countries heavily affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.