(ANS - Madrid) - The tenth International Day for Street Children was celebrated on Monday 12 April, which the UN estimates to be almost 150 million in the world. For them the Salesians of over 130 countries operate without interruption.
(ANS – Rome) – “Missio inter gentes” is a neologism, therefore it is important to correctly understand the term because it has profound consequences in our missionary activities today.
(ANS - Turin) - Without the action and the person of Francis de Sales, would there ever have been the Don Bosco of the Preventive System? And why did the Saint of Youth choose him as a source of spirituality for the congregation he gave life to? Even more radically: “Was Don Bosco a true SALESian?” These questions were answered by Fr Gianni Ghiglione, one of the greatest connoisseurs of St. Francis de Sales' thought.
(ANS - Madrid) - On 25 March 2020 some Salesians and lay people held the first coordination videoconference for Salesian initiatives in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. From that day, and almost every day, an e-mail informed subscribers of the various initiatives carried out in the name of Don Bosco all over the world with a single objective: “To save lives”. In this period, more than 11 million people in 121 countries have received assistance thanks to the Salesian Family. Today, 7 April, World Health Day, is therefore the opportune day to pay homage to all health workers and to highlight the initiatives that have developed thanks to Salesian solidarity throughout the world. Much, however, still remains to be done, as inequality and hunger have increased at the same pace as the pandemic.