Argentina – The Salesian oratory: "The vocation of joy"

24 February 2020

(ANS - Santiago del Estero) - Argentina is the first missionary land conceived and desired by Don Bosco. On 1 November 1875, Pope Pius IX received the members of the Salesian missionary expedition and blessed them. On November 14, three days after their sending-off celebration in the church of Valdocco, the first Salesian expedition sent and blessed by Don Bosco left the port of Genoa for Buenos Aires. Since then, the Salesians in Argentina have founded cities, hospitals, explored rivers, dug wells, created schools of all kinds and given names to lakes and mountains, but above all, wherever they went, they created Salesian oratories.

Currently, the Salesians in Argentina carry out their mission through one hundred offices or works in twenty-two provinces, and are organized in two Provinces: North and South. In each of these places an oratory has been founded where life becomes a place of meeting and joy.

In an open-air site, La Loma, about 50 km from the city of Santiago del Estero, Sunday afternoon means play, conversation, meetings, recreation. Between March and December, four collaborators and six young animators visit more than 60 children and adolescents with their families.

The oratory also offers games for smaller children and conferences for adolescents and adults on health and gender-based violence.

Elva is a Salesian Cooperator and animator of the festive oratory. For her, the word that characterizes her activity every Sunday is "joy", that which is shared, despite the material and emotional shortcomings that children and mothers in the area experience.

Elva defines the Salesian Cooperators as "lay people ready to live Don Bosco's charism in their daily lives: in the family, at work, in study ... and organized through an association that allows us to accompany and feed on Salesian spirituality." For this reason, she invites young people and adults to learn about and know the vocation of the Salesian Cooperator.

The meetings take place on the first and third Sunday of each month at 6 pm in Don Bosco's oratory in Santiago.

Another way to collaborate with the Salesian Cooperator service is to bring milk, sweets, or donations of any item that can be used for games or snacks. This is how the oratory is supported and the only help it receives.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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