Italy – Even in distancing, Mary Help of Christians approaches her suffering people
Turin, Italy - May 2020 - In 1854 Don Bosco announced to his boys that cholera would arrive in Turin and would unleash chaos; and yet, he added: “But you must remain calm, if you do what I say, you will be free from danger... Live in the grace of God; bring a medal of the Blessed Virgin, pray...” After 166 years, in similar circumstances, the Help of Christians continues to accompany and protect us and always remains at our side.
- Italy - Diaconal ordinations of 12 Salesians
- Italy - Order of Journalists awards "Il Salice", school magazine of "Valsalice" Salesian High School in Turin
- Italy - Don Bosco Borgomanero students reinterpret great 17th century Art
- RMG – Feast Day of Mary Help of Christians worldwide in year of coronavirus
- Italy – In time of crisis, celebration of "Our Lady of difficult times"