Don Bosco Youth-Net ivzw, connecting 18 organisations in 16 countries dedicated to youth and to young people with fewer opportunities, sees inclusive youth work as an essential part of their daily work. As implementers of inclusive youth work projects, DBYN strongly believes that truly inclusive education programmes at European level should be accessible for every young person.
This position paper presents 9 recommendations and concrete practical suggestions for an inclusive implementation of the European youth and education programmes Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps.
These recommendations are based on the gathered experience of implementing the programmes in the areas of youth work, adult education, vocational training as well as school education and voluntary services. DBYN hopes that these recommendations will improve the new generation of programmes in order to facilitate the participation of ALL young Europeans.
As practical measures to improve inclusion in EU youth and education programmes in the new generation of programmes from 2021, DBYN therefore recommends:
- Involve persons with fewer opportunities and special needs as experts, implementing organisations and civil society structures.
- Directly address target groups experiencing disadvantage and discrimination and provide structured information.
- Use accessible programme documents.
- Apply flexible rules in the support of additional expenses for participants with fewer opportunities and qualified professionals.
- Ensure awareness among evaluators and decision-makers about the special needs of disadvantaged target groups.
- Fund supporting structures for interested volunteers and avoid additional burdens in the application process.
- Ensure equal application of the rules across all programme countries and all national agencies.
- Accompany participants with fewer opportunities more closely during their stay abroad.
- Provide targeted and group-specific support for language learning.
You can read and download the position paper here: