Fr Daniel García, SDB, member of the Department, explained that "fifty-three Salesian Provincial Delegates for Youth Ministry from all over the world are taking part: 6 from Africa-Madagascar, 9 from the American Southern Cone Region, 10 from Inter-America, 7 from East Asia-Oceania, 5 from South Asia, 7 from Central and Northern Europe and 6 Salesians and lay people from the Mediterranean region. Added to these are 13 others as speakers or leaders of workshops, including some members of the Department."
There are three challenges facing this meeting: to promote among the Provincial Delegates for Youth Ministry a broad understanding of the fundamental elements of the Salesian heritage associated with this service of pastoral animation, in line with the "terms of reference" for Salesian Youth Ministry. A second challenge is to provide adequate skills for animation, management and educational and pastoral coordination of persons, groups and educational and pastoral communities; and, finally, to encourage personal growth through reflection and internalization on experience, and the rediscovery of one’s motivation.
"The School for Youth Ministry Delegates follows a modular training system, with three main areas that promote a multidisciplinary experience. This configuration makes it possible to synthesize the necessary knowledge, practical experience (know-how) for the Delegate’s service and other aspects of his life," added Fr Miguel Angel García.