It is true that at the end of the tunnel there is always a light, which invites us to move forward, which the Salesian Family has indeed, from the Salesians present since 2009 onwards, by the families linked to that environment, who have never abandoned the idea of finding and rebuilding the beauty of the past, but with a specific purpose, not to live on memories, but to start over. Year zero. Time to be born again.
The directors of the Salesian work in L'Aquila follow one another; their ideas, their projects are put on the work table in order to be fulfilled. Fr Kamil Podorski, former director, talks to us about ADMA, the Association of Mary Help of Christians.
It is May 24, 2017. The ADMA group is formalized in L'Aquila, too. About twenty people pronounce their promise by committing themselves to participating in the liturgical life, to live and spread the devotion to Our Lady, to cultivate a welcoming Christian environment, to collaborate in Don Bosco's mission.
We are familiar faces, our names have echoed for years within these walls. We have been scouts, past pupils, cooperators, educators and now ADMA associates; but there is also someone new, who joins us, veterans of the environment and they bring us a breath of fresh air.
A family in the great Salesian Family that lives in symbiosis with the oratory, that participates in all its activities, a community of brothers and sisters who love each other.
What prompted us to join? Love for Mary Help of Christians and for Don Bosco.
The path of ADMA is a path of the Salesian Family, as our founder wanted, a path of Christian formation. In the face of the many difficulties and disappointments of personal lives, in the face of the tragedies of society, we do not want to give up the hope of a more humane and more peaceful world. Those who recognize and acknowledge the values of life find time here for prayer, dialogue, charity, conversation, friendship, collaboration. For us, staying together has become a necessity, praying together is finding peace for our souls, celebrating together is rejoicing in the gift of life.