The four projects are: Historical research for the Conference 'Fellini and the Sacred' (Faculty of Social Communication Sciences - FSC); "Assumptions and Statute of the Biblical Pastoral" (Faculty of Theology); "No place is far. Bastogi and Torpignattara" (FSC); "Transdisciplinarity and Youth Studies" (Faculty of Educational Sciences). They will be supported through the appropriate Research Fund of the Rector Major, and their total amount is over € 22,000.
It is a further investment on people and on shared projects that thanks to the attention of the Grand Chancellor of the UPS, the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, the funds can be directed to qualify research and skills of various scholars, and offer new contributions of value to the scientific community.
In the Apostolic Constitution Veritatis Gaudium, promulgated a year ago, Pope Francis underscores in various points, as a commitment for the ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties to take on, the importance of promoting research through projects that on the one hand enhance the value of what is most specific to and in each of our institutions, and on the other hand that they debate, challenge each other and share via transdisciplinary research promoted by the main centers operating on an international level.