The 30 professors of the Salesian Centers for Permanent Formation participated yesterday at the 1st Technical Day of the Mechanical Mechanized Cycle. The teachers came from the PF centers of Aranjuez (Madrid), Bilbao, Burgos, León, Madrid, Oviedo, Pamplona, Santander, Vigo and Logroño.
The first part of the day focussed on the presentation of the centers and their good practices. The experience was enriched with the participation of specialized companies in the industrial sector. The "Hoffmann Group" company presented tools and materials on the topic of "Mechanized Cycle." The Siemens company, with its "Sinumerik" technology, presented the strengths of the School-Business relationship.
The day ended with a joint exhibition of the Salesianos Deusto Center and the "Beitxu Studios" company on virtual reality applied to CNC programming of the "Steel-tooling Machine." With this edition, there have now been three training days for FP center teachers that the Salesian "SSM" Province has organized in recent years. In the previous editions, the professors of "Art and Graphics" and of "Electricity" were involved. Furthermore, a new meeting is scheduled for the professors of "Business Administration."
The aim of this specialized formation is to share experiences and improve the competence of teachers in learning about new tools and applications of their respective areas, so that their pupils can access the job market and be better prepared and increase their chances to obtain employment.