The President of the Association, Fr Mario Oscar Llanos, SDB, Dean of the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the Salesian Pontifical University, underlines how, "The Pope has on several occasions invited priests, religious and lay people involved in the Church to take care of families: the future of society, the world, has its own incubation right inside the walls of home. Our commitment, for 14 years now, is precisely this: to allow families, couples and even children, to spend a time together that is both of rest and reflection, without the worry of everyday life, so that they may grow together in love and in mutual respect."
Present among the organizers and speakers were Sr. Elena Cavaliere, of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, and Fr Giovanni D'Andrea, President of Salesians for the Social - SCS / CNOS FAP.
During work sessions, morning reflections focused on the Encyclical of Pope Francis "Gaudete et exsultate". Interesting were the workshops reserved for participating adults on many and varied themes that affect family life: communication to understand and love each other, emotions, the balance between aggression and passivity in the couple, the need to take care of one's self to prevent stress, and finally, conjugal spirituality and the art of accompanying families.
The heart of the week of formation is the Eucharistic celebration presided over by Msgr. Francesco Alfano, Bishop of Sorrento - Castellammare di Stabia.
Also during the week, the animators, led by Fr Giovanni D'Andrea, provide animation to the children with a program of educational-recreational activities and diversified workshops according to their age group (infants, kindergarten, elementary, middle high, first level secondary school).
For the young people of the fourth and fifth year of high school and for university students, the Cerchi d'Onda Association also proposed sessions tailored specifically for formative accompaniment.