It has been written, and often repeated, that children have three primary rights: health, education and protection, which – alas - many governments have forgotten. "Save the Children" states that at present "one child out of three in Spain is at risk of poverty or social exclusion". For the Salesians, children and young people are the very reason for the educational process.
The "Fundación Angel Tomás", through various projects, organizes numerous activities so that the underage beneficiaries of the organization will have interesting programs available to them for their free time during the summer. This year, thanks to the "Educo" scholarships, a group of 485 children from the urban areas of Valencia, Elche and Cartagena, will be guaranteed nourishing and healthy meals.
The Don Bosco Center has dedicated the week of 25 June - 1 July for the Talayuelas summer camp, while the "Entreamics" center hosts a summer camp from July 2 to 7 in Bocairent.
At the Salesians of Alcoy, the urban summer camp is from 2 to 27 July with many proposals and excursions: water parks, adventure games, swimming pool, horseback riding and many other activities related to leisure and youth animation.
The urban camp of Cartagena is scheduled August 1 to 7 and will bring together 100 children and preadolescents between the ages of 6 and 14; in the same period another camp will take place in Elche, which will host 135 minors.
At Alraso Cartagena, during the month of July, various activities are also planned for young people between the ages of 15 and 21: school mentoring, cultural initiatives, trips to the beach, the pool, the water park and the zoo.
The "Camino de Santiago" and the "Don Bosco Challenge" are reserved for older children, aged between 16 and 18, during the week of July 16th to 23rd.
Minors at "risk of exclusion" are, alas, the poor of our current era, people who receive little time and little formation.