Spain – Towards a single Salesian NGO

17 February 2016

(ANS - Madrid) - "The project for the unification of the NGOs belonging to the Salesians in Spain is becoming an exciting challenge," said Fr Manuel de Castro, Director of the Non-Governmental Organisation "Jóvenes y Desarrollo". In fact, since the beginning of February, the teams of "Jóvenes y Desarrollo", "Solidaridad Don Bosco" and "VOLS" have been working hard to unite to form a single NGO.

Meetings were held in Madrid on 3 - 4 February for the Planning and Coordination of the future of the Salesian NGOs in Spain, when the three existing NGOs will be unified to form one.  "With the economic crisis across Europe there has been a reduction in aid. The unification of the Provinces led to assessing and reconsidering the possibility of a new way of working together,” said Fr de Castro.

More than 25 people, including technicians, managers and volunteers, spent two very intense days, sharing hopes and fears in the journey toward the new goal: to create something new together, combining the best of each organization and respecting their essence, to make a common project to develop the educational style and charism of Don Bosco in Volunteering, Cooperation and Education for Development.

In this regard, the teams greatly appreciate the participatory spirit of the meetings. From the beginning there was an inclusive dynamic in which everyone could express and share his views on issues such as mission, vision and values ​​of the NGOs in the future. They studied the Weaknesses, Threats, Strengths and Opportunities, and the general criteria for planning the new entity.

This was the first time the teams of the three NGOs had met. "This creates empathy and a fraternity that will be vital if this great project is to come to fruition," said Eva Caballero, of the Valencia section of "Jóvenes y Desarrollo".

Now they have to reflect on the topics of work, draw conclusions and continue to work towards the creation of a strategic plan, which, once completed, will be submitted to the two Provincial Councils of the Salesians of Spain who will have the last word on the setting-up of the NGO.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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