In various ways, Costa Rica's FMA celebrated the anniversary of her death, 7 July 1977, when she went to her Father's house with "her King and Queen," as she used to call Jesus and Maria.
The celebrations, in fact, began a week before the anniversary with a procession at San José's "La Merced" Parish, and commemorated the filial love the religious had for the Church, praying for peace in Costa Rica and Nicaragua, for migrants and refugees, the poor and displaced.
In the following days, a symposium was held: "The Salesian Charism in the Blessed Mary Romero." A figure emerged – out of silence, prayer, obedience, and sacrifice – who gave her best to the Lord's chosen, the poor and those who distinguished themselves for their unshakable faith in Divine Providence, which still accompanies her works even today.
Then on July 7, a number of Masses took place throughout the day, and blessings were offered to the sick, and relics of the Blessed were on exhibit.
Since the FMA's arrival in the country in 1917, hundreds of religious have donated their lives to God in the service of children and young people in the style of Sr Romero, who has been included, together with St. John Bosco, among the patrons of the World Youth Day in Panama 2019.