The Volunteers split into three work groups in order to speed up the implementation of the project, which was giving the children a different Christmas.
Before entering the Hotel, the Volunteers animated games and dynamics with the children, so as to create an atmosphere for catechesis and Christmas type activities; they ended up in the kitchen to prepare dinner.
This is an example of work group that makes the best of the resources, poor as they may be, maximizing creativity in favour of the neediest children.
The Volunteers are members of the educative unit of El Prado College, and could count on the help of past pupils, parents, young students, who devoted their free time to donate a smile to the greatest possible number of people, mindless of class or creed, showing a spirit of apostolate in their work, without looking for gratitude or acknowledgements.
The title that inspired this Christmas was: “They are not Street Children, They are Our Children”. We often think that street children, those who wander with no place where to dwell, those without abode, are the children of others, of bad fathers, of mothers who abandoned their children.
The proceeds of this great day were donated by the Delegate for Youth Ministry to the benefit of street children, thus providing support to more than one hundred of them. For this service, help was provided by the municipal administration of La Paz, that favoured the opportunity of putting into practice the three values of Voluntary Work: service, solidarity and gratuitousness.