ANS News Video is a monthly tele-journalistic news report, published in six languages, which provides a global view of the Salesian work in the fields of education, human development, and the evangelization of young people. Its goal is to narrate what happens in the Salesian Provinces, making the charism of Don Bosco increasingly visible and alive.
It is a tool that connects the Salesian Family worldwide, inspiring collaboration, communion, and sharing.
This edition of ANS News Video presents a summary of the main events that have characterized the seven Salesian Regions over the past two months of January and February. Through a focus on key moments such as youth gatherings, celebrations of the Strenna, moments of reflection, and missionary initiatives, the news report reinforces the sense of communion and belonging to the great international Salesian Family.
This tool is proving increasingly valuable in offering a global overview of the activities, celebrations, and initiatives that embody the charism of Don Bosco and the Salesian service worldwide.
The goal of ANS News Video is to share the good works of the Salesian Provinces with the entire global Salesian Family. Through this tool, the most significant events are documented and made known, inspiring connection and collaboration.
It is an invitation to collaboration for every Province, encouraging a broader perspective that will grant visibility to their activities and inspire the rest of the Salesian Family.
ANS News Video is not just a means of communication but also a tool to preserve the historical memory of the Salesian mission worldwide. Every Province is invited not only to promote and share ANS News Video but also to plan and document their significant events so that they can be narrated through this precious channel.
ANS News Video continues to be a bridge and a global window on the Salesian mission. With the use of new technologies and modern means of communication, it is essential to make visible the good that is being done, sharing Don Bosco’s mission with the world and strengthening the sense of belonging to the international Salesian Family.
Each edition of ANS News Video aims to make visible the hope and the Salesian mission, inspiring collaboration, sharing, and increasingly active participation.
ANS News Video truly becomes the place where the charism of Don Bosco meets the world!