The Chapter members were warmly welcomed by Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, SDB, Rector Major Emeritus, together with the past pupils of Don Bosco from Cuorgnè. The visit began at the Church of San Dalmazzo and the buildings constructed by the Salesians, later handed over to the Municipality of Cuorgnè. Then, the pilgrims moved to the parish church, where they participated in the solemn Eucharistic celebration presided over by Cardinal Fernández Artime. The celebration was also attended by the Mayor of Cuorgnè, Giovanna Cresto, who warmly welcomed the Sons of Don Bosco.
During the homily, the Salesian Cardinal expressed deep gratitude to the past pupils for their commitment to keeping Don Bosco’s charism alive and offered prayers for the entire community of Cuorgnè. The celebration was a moment of great spiritual intensity, emphasizing the importance of living Salesian values in daily life.
After Mass, the Chapter members were taken to the baptismal font where Saint Callistus Caravario was baptized. The group then visited the saint’s birthplace, which the Salesians have transformed into a small chapel. This place, rich in history and spirituality, offered the visitors a moment of contemplation and connection with the roots of Saint Callistus Caravario’s martyrdom and faith.
Later, the Mayor accompanied the Chapter members to the town theater, where she recalled the immense contribution of the Salesians to the local community. The Mayor shared how much the community misses the presence of the Salesians and expressed hope that the Salesian Congregation might consider resuming apostolic work in the area. Meanwhile, the Municipality has decided to transform the Salesian structures into a library, thus providing young people with a meaningful space for learning and personal growth.
Fr. Eligio Caprioglio, director of the "San Luigi" Salesian Institute in Chieri and organizer of the entire celebration, shared a touching reflection at the conclusion of the pilgrimage: “Today, during Mass and on the bus, I thought about that moment when Saint Callistus was dying out of love for the Lord and for defending his catechists. He died in China, in a remote and insignificant place. Far from home and loved ones. Perhaps, for a moment, he thought that his 27 years had served hardly anything. And yet, his actions carried the fragrance of a love so dense with immortality that it can be perceived by any simple and good-hearted person.” He added that the presence of Cardinal Fernández Artime and the 54 Chapter members amplified the fragrance of this "perfume" that touches hearts and inspires action out of love.
The visit concluded with a convivial lunch organized by the past pupils of Don Bosco. This festive moment was an opportunity for the Chapter members to express their gratitude for the warm hospitality they had received and to share experiences with the local community members.
At the end of the day, the sense of gratitude was palpable: the Chapter members had the opportunity to witness the living legacy of a saint whose memory continues to inspire the Cuorgnè community to lead virtuous lives faithful to Salesian values.