Haiti is experiencing an unprecedented socio-political crisis that has seriously compromised economic and social stability. Insecurity, particularly in and around Port-au-Prince, makes daily life difficult and hits state and community infrastructure hard. "We are facing social conflicts that lead to increased unemployment and loss of income, because they interrupt economic activity, destroy social infrastructures and generate uncertainty, encouraging the loss of capital and causing family and community instability."
This instability is also reflected in consecrated life. Religious communities face a growing sense of frustration, the loss of Christian values and, sometimes, distorted behavior. The crisis affects the Salesian educational and pastoral mission, making it difficult to maintain the rhythm and quality of activities on behalf of the young and the poor. But the difficult context must not make us forget, as Father Bonhomme observed, that "Religious are consecrated persons who make God the primary essence of their lives. The evangelical counsels we have all professed express this clearly. And this commitment must be deepened, strengthened and purified by personal and community prayer, frequent meditation, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and spiritual accompaniment ".
Within religious communities, difficulties arise related to lack of humility, rigidity and interpersonal tensions, which hinder collective work. To address these problems, the Superior recalled the importance of respecting the code of ethics that guides appropriate behaviour and promotes harmonious coexistence and stressed that every assignment implies a sense of responsibility, maturity, sense of belonging, faith, welcome, listening, attitude of service and humility.
Another crucial issue is the formation of young confreres, hampered by logistical and bureaucratic problems, such as the difficulty of obtaining documents and visas. However, creative solutions, such as the temporary start of alternative courses, demonstrate the Congregation's commitment to overcoming obstacles.
Other topics covered in Fr Bonhomme's speech concerned the formation of Educative and Pastoral Communities, as central to Salesian ministry, and their existence in terms of the implementation of the Salesian Educative and Pastoral Plan; the condition of some elderly and sick Salesians; updates on the 29th General Chapter and on the implementation of the resolutions of the Provincial Chapter; and some updates on the operational structures of the Vice-Province.
Despite the difficulties, the Christmas season was an opportunity for reflection and spiritual regeneration. Fr Bonhomme invited the Salesians to rediscover the community as a place of communion and brotherhood and at the same time urged the communities to take concrete initiatives to promote peace, solidarity and hope, especially among the young and the poorest.
Finally, the Superior expressed his best wishes for the new jubilee year and expressed his gratitude for the commitment and dedication of his confreres, inviting them to look to the future with faith and determination and encouraging them to enthusiastically live their mission towards the most vulnerable young people.