“Despite the declared 60-day ceasefire the consequences of the war and the bombing will be with us for a long time”, the Salesians in Lebanon warn. "The south of the country is devastated by the bombing and most of the people who have had to leave their homes and have no place to return. Villages, cities and even neighbourhoods in Beirut no longer exist,” they add.
"The impact of the war is also having an impact on the country's economy and is leaving many people in a very vulnerable position, especially those who were already in difficult situations. Lebanon is facing a very weak socio-economic scenario," the Salesians clearly describe.
They have already announced that they will continue to take care of the more than 100 displaced people in the centre at El Houssoun and the 300 families in vulnerable situations. "We cannot leave all these people who are suffering on their own. We must create safe spaces for children, continue to offer them support and assistance regarding what they need and, above all, maintain access to education, to avoid losing another generation on the way. Education, in fact, is also suffering a lot, because many families cannot afford to send their children to school", concludes Fr León, former Superior of the Jesus the Adolescent Province of the Middle East (MOR).
In view of the seriousness of the situation, Misiones Salesianas, the Salesian Mission Office based in Madrid, has opened its ‘Middle East Emergency’ campaign to continue supporting vulnerable people and Salesian activities in favour of the education and protection of children and young people: and at the same time joins the international community in asking the parties to the conflict to make every effort to find a lasting peace for the region.
What is certain is that as long as there is a need, the Salesians in Lebanon will continue to take care of the displaced and the most vulnerable families, as they have always done.