Italy – 9th Torchlight procession of Peace in memory of Fr Francesco Convertini

05 September 2024

(ANS – Locorotondo) – On 30 August 2024, 126 years after the birth of the Venerable Francesco Convertini, a Salesian missionary in Bengal, and 50 years after his last trip to Italy, the Church and civil communities of Locorotondo and Cisternino, led by Mayors Dr. Antonio Bufano and Dr. Lorenzo Perrini respectively, and by parish priests Fr Stefano Bruno and Fr Giancarlo Lacarbonara, gathered to experience the 9th Torchlight procession of Peace.

This event, which has been repeated for nine years or on the day of the birth or baptism of Fr Francesco Convertini, this year involved Bishop Nirmol Vincent Gomes, SDB, Bishop of Krishnagar, Diocese of Bengal, where Fr Convertini spent his missionary life.

The torchlight event was held in the square of the Serafina district, located in the municipality of Locorotondo. It was in this district that the little "Cicciluzzo", as  Father Convertini was familiarly called, spent a short period after the death of his mother, together with a local family. To support himself in that family he looked after the sheep, plowed, hoed and before going to the fields he peeled a portion of dried beans that would be his meal.

On the way to the Marinelli district of Cisternino, contemplating the painful mysteries of the Holy Rosary, we meditated on the Passion of Jesus and the troubled life of the Venerable Convertini, praying for peace. Father Francis lived his missionary life for the proclamation of the kingdom and the conversion to Christ of Hindus and Muslims, as a man of peace and fraternity.

Several testimonies underline how this Salesian missionary has been a peacemaker between religious groups and families in discord. "With his word he brought peace to families and sometimes even through some small gift, like a flower, a little food, he was able to bring joy".


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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