Italy - Beginners Course (Corso Germoglio) opens for 155th Missionary Expedition Members

28 August 2024

(ANS – Rome) – Preparations for the 155th missionary expedition began on 25 August 2024 with the arrival in Rome of the 27 departing missionaries. The missionaries were welcomed by the General Councillor for the Missions, Fr Alfred Maravilla, and by all the members of the Mission Sector team in the Ceferino Namuncura community at Bufalotta, Rome.

The Corso Germoglio or Beginners Course, exclusively for missionaries "ad gentes, ad exteros and ad vitam" with a duration of five weeks before the missionary sendoff. "The Beginners Course" Course Coordinator Fr Reginaldo Cordeiro explains, "is intended as orientation and immediate preparation of the missionaries before their departure."

Through prayer, the witness of life, contact with places linked to the Salesian charism, the sharing of experiences and personal reflections, participants are helped to deepen missionary values and attitudes so that the sprouting of the missionary vocation can put down deep roots.

From 1 September, the missionaries will move to Colle Don Bosco, then to Mornese and Valdocco. The course will conclude on 29 September in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in Valdocco with the missionary mission presided over by Fr Stefano Martoglio. In that same celebration, Mother Chiara Cazzuola will also deliver the missionary cross to the FMA and Guido Pedroni to the departing members of the Community of the Mission of Don Bosco (CMB), a group of the Salesian Family.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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