This is what the first of the three, Fr Pérez Godoy, Regional Councillor, has to say:
"If I have to make an evaluation of these years of Fr Ángel's term of office and my relationship with him, I must begin by thanking the Lord for the gift he is personally, as Rector Major, and what this has meant for the Congregation. In my years as Provincial in Madrid I always felt very much accompanied. He was a Rector Major, at least in my experience, who was very close to the Provincials. And it has been so both from the point of view of our personal relationship, and for his ability to create spaces, such as the meeting in the middle of the six-year period, that allow for this closeness and the accompaniment of the Provincials. Later, I have had the grace to work with him as a member of the General Council.
I have always felt free to express my opinion on different issues, because he creates a climate that encourages such an attitude. I appreciate his great determination in addressing some delicate issues that the Congregation has had to resolve and that thanks to him - in my opinion - have been resolved. I admire his Salesian heart that is always focused on young people, his ability to work, to relate, his availability and simplicity, his love for the Church and, in particular, for the Pope; his love for his confreres and his vision of the present and future of the Congregation in relation to issues such as the most needy young people, shared responsibility with the laity and our Salesian identity, in particular of us consecrated Salesians. Without a doubt, it has been a great gift for the Congregation and for the entire Salesian Family".
Fr García, SSM Provincial, echoes him:
"I have a very vivid memory of the days when the 27th General Chapter took place: in an unexpected way, Ángel's name came up in conversations about the potential Rector Major. I experienced his appointment with emotion and with that familiar atmosphere that characterises us so much when we talk about the successor of Don Bosco.
Undoubtedly, my most intense memory with him goes back to the day when I received his call in which he asked me to take on the service of Provincial. At that time, and on many others, I discovered confidence and closeness, the ability to listen, and familiarity in him. My feeling is one of gratitude for these years, and of trust in the new service that he will now carry out for the Church."
Finally, Fr Miranda, SMX Provincial, concludes:
"I think that Ángel, in his period of service to the Congregation as Rector Major, has faced particularly challenging and difficult situations. And in the face of them he was courageous and faithful to the charism. No decisions were taken lightly and without discernment. In addition, he brought simplicity in relationships, closeness to young people and Salesians. Personally, as Provincial, I felt listened to and accompanied by him, especially at some specific moments of my service.
I greatly appreciate and believe the value and affection he gave to the Salesian Family, helping us SDBs to rediscover the charismatic bond that characterises us has also been good for our charism. I am also grateful for his gaze and sense of faith given the different situations that we face and that challenge us as an institution. At least, this is what I discovered in what he has said, especially in the Strennas. And I ask the Lord and Mary Help of Christians to look after him and to continue to accompany him in his new service."