Italy – Young religious in formation discuss: "Charism and Mission": 14th Salesian Social Communication Days

06 May 2024

(ANS– Rome) – Being faithful to one's origins, but having the ability and originality to communicate clearly with today's world: this was the challenge on which about 150 young religious in formation – Salesians of Don Bosco, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, but also novices and students of other institutes – reflected together in the afternoon of Friday 3rd and in the morning of Saturday 4 May 2024, at the Pontifical Salesian University (UPS) in Rome, as part of the 14th year of the Salesian Social Communication Days.

Inspired by the Message of Pope Francis for the World Day of Social Communications (GMCs) 2024, on the theme "Artificial intelligence and wisdom of the heart: for a fully human communication", the event was developed starting from the motto: "Charism and Mission. Faithful to the roots and innovative in embodying it today."

In the first part of the work, after the institutional greetings, two sessions on the theme of fidelity to the charism and innovation followed, entitled "Uniqueness and relevance of the Salesian charism today" and focused respectively on Don Bosco (Fr Carlo Maria Zanotti) and Mother Mary Domenica Mazzarello (Sister Eliane Anschau Petri). After time for discussion and questions to the speakers, the afternoon ended with a moment of dialogue in mixed groups, followed by prayer and an evening of fraternity.

With the Eucharistic Celebration in the morning of Saturday 4th, presided over by Fr Gildasio Mendes, General Councillor for Social Communication for the Salesians of Don Bosco, the second part of the Salesian Social Communication Days began. "Communicating today requires first of all the ability to listen to others and requires opening oneself to others: opening one's eyes, opening one's ears, opening one's heart... Without this fundamental step, no communication process can begin" Fr Gildasio Mendes said in his homily.

He then further explored the value of true communication: "Communication implies the comparison of several voices and generates a relationship, it is not possible to do it in isolation. So it is only real when it happens in community, generates community and, from there, can give rise to sharing, fraternity, solidarity, compassion... And finally, the ability to be educators today."

Later in the morning, Fr Fabio Pasqualetti, Dean of the Faculty of Sciences of Social Communication at the UPS and consultant of the Holy See's Dicastery for Communication, discussed the Message of Pope Francis for the 58th WCD by giving it a Salesian interpretation.

Several seminars were held on different topics of interest: Fabio Bolzetta, journalist and President of the Association of Catholic Webmasters (WECA), spoke on Pastoral and online digital culture; the FMA religious San Biagio community led a workshop on prayer; psychotherapist Paolo Gambini spoke on affectivity; on the presence of Salesians and FMA in the social world, Ermanno Giuca and Chiara Montesano, both of "Salesians for Social APS", led the work; and finally, Andrea Tomasi, WECA Councillor, spoke on Artificial Intelligence and Information.

At the end of the work, Fr Gildasio Mendes expressed words of deep gratitude to all those who collaborated in the success of what has now become a fixed and annual formation event for young SDBs and FMAs: the Faculty of the Sciences of Social Communication at the UPS, first of all, for all the coordination and practical management of the work; as well as the organising team, animated by the Sectors and Areas for Social Communication and for SDB and FMA Formation, by the Pontifical Faculty of Education Sciences AUXILIU" and by the UPS; and, finally, all the young participants, who with enthusiasm, dedication and commitment have made the experience fruitful.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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