Italy – Closure of the diocesan inquiry into Nino Baglieri; the Roman phase will now open

06 May 2024

(ANS – Modica) – With a solemn celebration inside the Mother Church of St Peter, the diocesan inquiry into Nino Baglieri, Volunteer with Don Bosco (CDB), has come to a close. Many faithful from the diocese of Noto and the various Salesian works in Sicily also took part in a moving and solemn celebration presided over by Bishop Salvatore Rumeo, Bishop of Noto, with several diocesan and Salesian priests.

Among the concelebrants, in particular, were Bishop Angelo Giurdanella, Bishop of Mazara del Vallo, Fr Pascual Chávez, Rector Major Emeritus, and Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, Postulator General for the Causes of Saints of the Salesian Family.

In addition, all Nino Baglieri’s relatives were present, together with the Volunteers with Don Bosco, the Salesians in Sicily, led by the Provincial, Fr Giovanni d'Andrea, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Salesian Cooperators and the Volunteers of Don Bosco, together with the civil and military authorities of Modica and other regional authorities.

At the beginning of his homily, Bishop Rumeo stressed: "Today, 5 May 2024, the Church in Noto, the Salesian Family and the city of Modica are celebrating the closing of the Diocesan Phase of the Cause of Beatification and Canonisation of the Servant of God of Nino Baglieri who, on a day like today - it was 5 May 1951 - received Holy Baptism, becoming a Christian.”

During the homily, the Bishop retraced and interpreted the life of the Servant of God. In particular, he focused on the salient features of his spirituality. He was looking for meaning, he asked himself questions, and Mgr Rumeo therefore observed: "To these questions everyone gives answers that conform to their faith that offers the light to see things in the right way, that is, how God sees them. And that is why we need prayer, to enter into a dialogue of love with the Lord. Prayer is the breath of the soul" he explained.

"Nino", Bishop Rumeo said again, "did not 'belong' to himself, he annulled himself in the crucible of the cross to such an extent that he was an instrument of salvation in God's hands. He spent his earthly day immersed in prayer and, in the silence of his soul, he brought all those he met to the bright Tabor of his life. Prayer for Nino was everything: despite his suffering, as a light that shines and burns, he was able to imbue others with the sense of true prayer."

Despite his suffering, he was a missionary of the Gospel, an apostle of everyday life. He married his cross and was chosen "by God for a mission of love. He responded with fidelity and love. How many young people, adults and families rediscovered the faith and given Christian value to their suffering by meeting Nino. The meaning of real apostolate is measured starting from the pain and participation in the sufferings of Christ!" said Bishop Rumeo.

In closing the homily, Bishop Rumeo addressed Nino Baglieri directly and said: "We are grateful to you for your evangelical teaching, because in your life we see the movement of God's grace that continues to speak to us of holiness."

The crucial moment was the solemn signing of the final minutes which established the end of the work carried out by the tribunal over these 12 years. During the last session of the tribunal, the 86th, presided over by Mgr Rumeo, was sworn in before the faithful, and eight packages of documentation were sealed and signed that will be sent in the coming days to the Vatican: thousands of pages of documents containing writings, letters, messages and testimonies of Nino and his life. At the beginning, Fr Ignazio La China retraced the highlights of these 12 years of intense work. Notaries Pietro Di Rosa and Daniela Vindigni were also present at the closing and signing of the minutes.

The folders were finally entrusted to Fr Cameroni, who will hand them over to the Dicastery of the Causes of Saints in Rome for the continuation of the Cause.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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