Sister Maike Loes, National Communications Coordinator of the RSB, and Fr João Carlos Ribeiro, Vice-Provincial and Social Communication Delegate of the St Aloysius Gonzaga Province of Brazil-Recife (BRE), coordinated the event. Sister Loes opened the morning by simulating a radio station, so that everyone could "tune in" to the event. “Radio goes where we do, physically, so many times we don't. And it comes with a wide variety of messages. The important thing is that the messages that travel through the ether of a radio station, that spread through the towers or antennas... are of quality, that they generate good, the truth! May the message have quality in its intentions, so that it is not just another message, but the good message, the Good News, the good news! A radio, whether analog or digital, has the power to connect: to connect people, places, events, events, feelings, emotions, values" said the Daughter of Mary Help of Christians, thus animating the audience.
On the mission of the Salesian radios, Fr Ribeiro then added: "The radios represent the exercise of the Salesian mission among the popular social strata. They play a very important role in cultivating a culture in which Gospel values are visible. They are clear places for education and evangelisation aimed at the people".
The First Online Meeting of the year on Best Communication and Cultural Production Practices then led the Coordinator of the Radio Sector of the Catholic communication association SIGNIS Brazil, Dr Felipe Zangari, to make a presentation of SIGNIS Brazil and its project "The Flame of the Word", in addition to addressing the main theme of the event. And when asked how radios contribute to the mission of evangelisation, the speaker answered. “There are two big moves, in my opinion. The first is explicit evangelisation, with moments of prayer, devotion, religious music and dialogue with listeners. This has great value for our communities. Then there is the evangelisation that comes from citizenship: programming built on ethical foundations, responsible journalism that provides a service and helps people make their daily decisions more consciously."
Felipe Zangari's address was followed by a round table with representatives of some Salesian radio stations: Débora Alves ("Rádio FM Educativa" of the Dom Bosco Catholic University, Campo Grande), Evandro Fialho ( "Rádio Inova FM" - São Paulo) and Jocasta Comesaña ("Rádio FM Dom Bosco" Fortaleza and Coordinator of the radio sector of the Salesian Social Communication Team in the Americas (ECSA).
"Networking is very positive to bring together people who work in communication" commented Dr Pimentel Comesaña. "The event allowed us to meet virtually and exchange knowledge. I believe that each participant has started from here with richer baggage and will now have the opportunity to apply what they have learned in their daily work at Salesian broadcasters."
The ECSA radio coordinator finally concludes: "At ‘Rádio FM Dom Bosco’, for example, we are dealing with a more adult audience. Our great challenge is to grow in the face of technological advances, without losing physical contact with listeners. What has been discussed in this meeting makes us understand that we are on the right track, because we have several channels to meet the needs of every listener, regardless of their age group or Internet access conditions."
By the RSB Communication Team