Italy – 'Didacta Italia 2024' dedicated to Don Bosco, Minister Valditara: 'The school must be the school of valorised talents'

14 March 2024

(ANS - Rome) - On Wednesday, March 13th, Giuseppe Valditara, the Minister of Education and Merit (Italy), delivered a video message for the 'Didacta Italia Fair', the primary national event focusing on innovation in the realm of education - including universities this year. The fair is scheduled to take place from March 20th to 22nd in Florence and is dedicated to Don Bosco, the Father and Teacher of Young People. In his address, the Minister underscored the significance of the event and elucidated the rationale behind this dedication.

"The 'Didacta Italia Fair' stands as one of the foremost showcases for educational innovation, extending this year to the realm of universities for the first time. Originating in Germany over 50 years ago, it has been a fixture in Italy since 2017. Held annually at the Fortezza da Basso in Florence, the fair provides educators with valuable training opportunities, facilitated by workshops and seminars utilizing cutting-edge technological resources," Minister Valditara explained in the video.

"But this year, Fiera Didacta Italia holds particular significance as we have chosen to dedicate the 2024 edition to Don Bosco, the founder of Salesian schools. John Paul II referred to him as the 'Father and Teacher of Youth', a sentiment I wholeheartedly endorse. Don Bosco once said: 'In each of these young people, there is a point accessible to goodness; the task of an educator is to find that sensitive chord and make it vibrate.' This notion resonates deeply with me and reflects the theme of the oil lamp that I have frequently referenced, symbolizing the fire that schools must ignite. The school is indeed the workshop of talents, where the diverse and marvelous intelligences inherent in each child are nurtured. These talents, diverse in nature, are all of equal dignity, and it is the school's responsibility to identify and cultivate them."

The minister elaborated further, stating, "The true, authentic, democratic concept of merit entails encouraging every girl and boy to manifest the best of their inherent abilities through dedication. It is not about achieving lofty goals of excellence reserved for a select few, but rather about striving to excel and contribute one's best efforts. [...] The Salesians are renowned for their network of technical-vocational education institutions, serving as a commendable example. I have certainly taken these into consideration in the reforms initiated with the 4+2 experiment. It is gratifying to witness how some schools, including those abroad, have embraced this reform. This reflects the fervor for skill development and talent enhancement that the Salesians infuse into their educational institutions and technical-vocational schools."

The minister further elaborated, stating, "And why did I specifically mention the experience of a Salesian school abroad, in Egypt? Because the Salesians boast an exceptionally intriguing network of Italian schools overseas. These schools serve multiple purposes: to equip young individuals to confront the challenges of development in various countries, particularly in regions facing significant socio-economic obstacles; to prepare young talent for employment opportunities within Italian companies seeking to expand their operations abroad; and to furnish skilled laborers for the Italian market, addressing the dearth of qualified technicians and workers in sectors vital to our economy, thereby aligning with our reform efforts."

Concluding his remarks, Valditara remarked, "Therefore, dedicating Didacta 2024 to Don Bosco was a profoundly fitting choice, perfectly aligned with the ethos of my Ministry and the principles of our constitutional schooling system. It underscores our commitment to nurturing the inherent talents of every young person, providing avenues for professional success, both domestically and internationally, and fostering solidarity, cooperation, and developmental assistance beyond our national borders."

Minister Valditara's video-message is available here.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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