Palestine – Salesians and De La Salle Brothers together for the education of young people, from one century to the next

08 March 2024

(ANS – Bethlehem) – On Tuesday, 27 February the Salesians in Bethlehem went to the nearby University to extend a welcome to the new Vice-Chancellor (Rector), Brother Héctor Hernán Santos González, a De la Salle brother originally from Paraguay. It was a courtesy visit, but also one to plan and renew commitments to the education of young people in the area.

Welcomed with open arms, as if from a family member, the Salesians thus came to know that the new head of the University of Bethlehem grew up in a Salesian parish; that he studied philosophy using textbooks by Fr Pietro Chinaglia, SDB, "mentor" of generations of young people; and that he graduated in Sacred Scripture with Fr Horacio Lona, SDB, an eminent biblical scholar from the Benediktbeurn Centre, in Germany, and then at the University of Buenos Aires. Above all, the new Vice-Chancellor said he was pleased with the collaboration agreement for the co-management of the "Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences" (SEEN, in English).

In response, the Salesians said that mutual esteem and collaboration dates back to the founding pioneers of the two religious presences in the territory – Fr Antonio Belloni and Bro. Evagre Longuenesse, in 1876; that already over 100 years ago, on 10 February 1923, the connection from the Salesian workshop to the Lasallian residence was installed, supplying it with electricity; that for about eighty years it was the Salesian priests who provided priestly ministry to children of the school...

Regarding the present: after a quick mention of the serious difficulties created by the ongoing war, the point was made about the start of the SEEN program: since last September, theoretical lessons have been held in Lasallian settings, and practical opportunities in Salesian workshops under the guidance of two qualified professors who have been hired as Associates by the University.

Mention was also made of the 12 Vocational Training courses that the Salesians offer to about 250 young adults, and the recent agreement with the Terra Santa College for a two-year period of technical maturity in Electricity, which will then allow graduates to access the SEEN. In this regard, the Vice-Rector, also a Salesian past pupil at the time of his Philosophy and Theology courses in the patriarchal seminary in Beitgiala, confirmed that throughout the region these forms of collaboration between three religious congregations for the formation of young Palestinians made a very good impression. And the Vice-Chancellor, in addition, confirmed that the three mayors of Bethlehem, Betgiala and Bethsahur, in addition to their satisfaction, asked him to strengthen the offer "at the service of the local community", especially in these times of increased unemployment and emigration.

Prof. Youil Anastas, Vice-Rector for Affairs and Properties, gave information about the projects that the University of Bethlehem intends to fund to ensure that the SEEN is a success. The Salesians, for their part, mentioned the involvement of the Salesian University Centre in Barcelona. And Prof. Santos González concluded by recommending two things close to his heart: the general review of the programs of all the Faculties of the University, in which the SEEN will be integrated; and the use of the most advanced technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

"The historical foundations are solid, we will face the challenges of the future together, with the help of our saints Don Bosco and Jean-Baptiste De La Salle!" Fr Giovanni Caputa, SDB, one of the Salesians present at the meeting, commented.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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