Spain – The "Web Local" project advances: from formation to networking

26 February 2024

(ANS – El Campello) – On Thursday, 15 February 2024, 25 people from the Salesian communities of Alcoy, Alicante, Burriana, Cabezo de Torres, Elche, El Campello and Valencia met at the Salesian house in El Campello to participate in a new formation meeting organised by the Delegation for Social Communication of Spain’s Mary Help of Christians Province (SMX). This event, which gathered the witness of the formation given in the houses of the Aragonese Autonomous Community – in Spain’s St James the Greater Province (SSM), in April and September – was confirmation of the good health of a project that for several years has been trying to offer a unified shape to the "Salesian vision of the world".

The "Web Local" project came about in September 2017,  launched by the SMX Province together with the SSM Province and with the support of the National Youth Ministry Centre. The objective of the project, from the outset, was to unify the management, content and design of websites of Salesian presences.

The first houses to launch the new platforms were Alicante, Villena, Ciutadella and the San Antonio Abad Work in Valencia, following the collaboration of several houses and bodies that participated in the pilot project led by the centre in Huesca.

The initiative, led by the Provincial Delegation for Communication and the Provincial Coordination for Information Technology together with the Dosatic IT company,  came about with the aim of unifying the Salesian sites on the Internet in the SMX Province, with the economic and technical advantages that collaboration entails. Visually, these platforms follow the same line, consistent with the Salesian Corporate Identity Manual and, technically, use the same software for content management.

"For the Provincial Delegation for Communication, this project is the confirmation of the potential that our houses and entities have when they have a common vision and think big. Seven years after its inception, we can confirm that in order to grow in communion, to provide information about the life and action of the entire province and its works, it was necessary to have a common ecosystem that facilitated networking, strengthened our institutional image and facilitated the coordination of our structures. Now, through accompaniment and formation, we continue to ensure that the Salesian digital environment is always at the forefront" explained the Provincial Delegate for Social Communication for SMX, Fr Carlos Martín.

Currently 98% of SMX's presences, entities, youth centres and foundations are involved in the project – so not only Salesian houses and schools are part of it, a direct expression of the Congregation, but also groups such as the Ángel Tomás Foundation - Salesianos Social, the Federation of Youth Centres in Valencia, the Andalusian Leisure School, the  Bosco Global NGO for Development or the recently established Federación Maín.

The SSM Province is also immersed in this process of change, although at a different level in its development, with 35% of web pages involved and many others in formation, in addition to numerous sites and projects with which the Communication team of the National Youth Ministry Centre has taken new steps towards this management system.

"The main challenge for us Salesians is to consolidate the digitisation of recent years, from websites to social networks, realising our concept of the ‘digital courtyard’. This is why it is necessary to involve young people in the communication projects that are developed, without forgetting the orientation of communication as a tool at the service of evangelisation", concludes the SMX Social Communication Delegate, while thanking the staff of the IT office and Dosatic  for the efforts made in the technical support service.

The "Web Local" project is continually advancing, improving and training new users of these Internet platforms. A new formation session will begin soon for several houses in the SMX Province and is also available for any other groups that may need it.



ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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