Italy – 19th Peace March in the footsteps of Fr Francesco Convertini, SDB

12 February 2024

(ANS – Cisternino) – Several events were organised for the anniversary of the death of the Venerable Fr Francesco Convertini, SDB, which took place in Krishnagar, India, on 11 February 1976, and which sees the involvement and collaboration of the civil and church communities of Locorotondo and Cisternino each year, with the Pro-Marinelli Association animated by Giuseppe Convertini.

On Friday, 9 February, at the auditorium of the Polyvalent High School in Cisternino, about 200 young people "told the story of peace" through songs, readings and performances, the result of a work shared in the various classes. Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, Postulator General for the Causes of Saints of the Salesian Family, stressed how Fr Convertini, through the circumstances of life often marked by trials such as war, illness, difficulties in vocational discernment and study and with the help of significant figures, became a man of peace and reconciliation even in contexts marked by strong ethnic and religious differences.

Also on the morning of Friday the 9th at the shrine of Our Lady Mother of Peace in Jaddico, the Postulator presented the figure and profile of the Venerable to the priests of the Diocese of Brindisi-Ostuni gathered for the monthly recollection with diocesan Bishop Giovanni Intini.

In the evening, the musical "From Ciccillo to Father Francis" was staged at the auditorium of the Basile Caramia-Gigante Higher Secondary Education Institute in Locorotondo. It was about the life of the Venerable Fr Convertini, born in Locorotondo and raised between the town of Bari and nearby Cisternino before leaving for India, where he was among the most loved and remembered missionaries A script written and staged by Miriam Palmisano and based on the book written by Fr Lino Palmisano, "Anche il fragno fiorisce". The performance was organized by the Pro Loco Locorotondo and the St George Martyr Parish.

On Saturday, 10 February, Fr Cameroni, accompanied by Fr Gabriel Cruz, SDB, met with the Pastoral Council in Locorotondo offering ideas and suggestions to promote the Cause of Fr Convertini, underlining the value of prayer and explaining the necessity and meaning of miracles in the Causes of Beatification and Canonisation.

On Sunday, 11 February, the 19th "March of Peace - in the footsteps of the Venerable Francesco Convertini" took place. The communities of Locorotondo and Cisternino, met around the large oak in the Marinelli district, to experience a moment of reflection and sharing together, drawing inspiration for this event from the message of Pope Francis for  World Day of Peace 2024: "Artificial intelligence and peace" and which, consequently, became the theme of the "Put Love" competition, now in its ninth edition.

The participants created banners and posters, expressing the message of peace according to their own creativity , combined with that of the life of Venerable Father Francesco Convertini. The bishops of Conversano-Monopoli, Bishop Giuseppe Favale, and Bishop Intini of Brindisi-Ostuni, , were present and invited  those taking part to be inspired by the testimony of Fr Convertini in his commitment as a missionary of mercy, as a builder of peace and reconciliation, and as a bearer of compassion towards the little ones and the poor.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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