With the help of actors and facilitators to act as a guide, the trip will start from an immersive room with different dystopian scenarios about the future of our planet: walking on dry land, sleeping in a plastic landfill and fighting for the last drop of water. These are some of the scenarios that the sensory path on climate migration will let participants experience.
Then the participants will take part in a theatrical game in which they will be in the hands of human traffickers on the long journey in stages to reach areas of Northern Europe, the only ones where it will still be possible to live.
In the last step, there will finally be a room for cognitive restructuring and assumption of responsibility that will guide in the reworking and reflection on what was experienced. Each boy and girl will enter into a "pact": they will commit themselves, that is, giving their word in front of the class, to implement a daily action to contribute to the mitigation of their ecological footprint and therefore of climate change.
The "2060" immersive educational path is carried out as part of the project "TESTiamoCI per il futuro: TErritori e STudenti per una nuova CIttadinanza ecologica" co-financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), which aims to promote behaviours and forms of participation aimed at protecting the environment and combating climate change.
The leader of the project is the Salesian NGO "VIS – International Volunteering for Development", supported by its partners "CBM", "Cefa", "Cies", "No One out", "Osvic" and "Vides". The 7 municipalities where the routes will be carried out (Genazzano – from which the first stage will start on 15 January – Gardone Val Trompia, Casalecchio di Reno, Genoa, Padua, Salerno and Arborea) together with those of Palestrina, Borgosatollo, Valsamoggia, Conegliano, Terralba are also partners in the project.
In the afternoon and on weekends, the route will also be open to the public free of charge.
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