A deep commitment, an act of love and solidarity aimed at the most vulnerable categories of society. Through projects aimed at the growth and well-being of the community and the local area, young volunteers discover the beauty of being part of a community.
They face daily challenges, learning to manage fatigue but above all the beauty of educating, because, as the Salesians say, educating means holding the citizens of the future in their hands.
Participating in the Civil Service with Salesians, in Italy or abroad, means embarking on a journey of personal growth, an opportunity that will allow volunteers to appreciate the little things and acquire useful skills for their own life and professional path.
"Education becomes a word that encompasses a vastness of experiences, a continuous commitment that goes beyond the mere transmission of knowledge". These are the words of Rosa, a former Civil Service volunteer at the Salesian house in Marsala.
The deadline for submitting applications is 15 February at 2:00 p.m. The call is open to young people between the ages of 18 and 28.
From this year, it will also be possible to apply for the "Peace Connections 2" project directly at the National Office of Salesians for Social APS, a project that will see the selected volunteers involved in planning, fundraising and communication activities.
“If I had to think of one keyword it would be ‘jump’. Find the courage to do so because you will need to broaden your horizons, learn to appreciate the little things but above all know yourself in depth. Find the courage to do it because then you will be proud of yourself for jumping in and at least trying. If you don't try, you'll never know how it could have gone, "Sara, a former Civil Service volunteer abroad, testifies with conviction.
The Civil Service with the Salesians is, therefore, an important chapter in the history of those who have chosen to be an active part in the construction of a society oriented to the values of peaceful coexistence and mutual help. It was 2001 when the first national Civil Service projects saw the light of day, thanks to the willingness of young people eager to dedicate part of their lives to serving the community in an unarmed and non-violent context.
2004 then marked a fundamental step in the history of the Civil Service with the Salesians, because "Salesians for Social" obtained accreditation as a first class body in the national register of the Civil Service. Since then, growth has been steady, with an average of 800 young volunteers committed each year to vulnerable children. Today the opportunity is further expanded with 903 places available, of which 830 are in Italy and 73 abroad.
For more information: https://www.salesianiperilsociale.it/servizio-civile