Fr Playà, in the same communique, has publicly thanked Fr Guevara for the service he has carried out in the years in which he accompanied ADMA with great enthusiasm and dedication, and presented Fr Cruz, who "beyond his personal testimony, brings with him a rich missionary experience and the fact of experiencing firsthand, in collaboration with Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, the strength of grace that works in the hearts of the members of the Salesian Family who are on the way to recognition of their holiness by the Church.”
Finally, Fr Playà concluded, "I know that Fr Gabriel takes up his service with great enthusiasm, willing to join in with the Association, as his possibilities allow, as it prepares, among other initiatives, for the next World Congress of Mary Help of Christians that will take place in Fatima from 29 August to 1 September. With him, with the Council and with the Provincial Delegates, the members of the Secretariat will also help in everything that is necessary to give continuity to the ADMA program, precisely at a time of progressive expansion of the Association."
The full text of the press release is available in several languages at the bottom of the page.