In indigenous experience, nature is composed of animals, forests, rivers, birds, humans, etc. and contains physical and spiritual elements, since everything is born from the creative spirit considered by indigenous peoples as the grandfather of the universe. Second, for the indigenous Dessano people of Rio Negro the grandfather of the universe created the world in harmony and it needs to be kept that way by his grandchildren, who are us. Therefore, the daily effort is intended to keep the balance in order, through blessings or other fundamental care in view of the good of nature and humanity.
Care for creation is essential to maintain people's well-being and future, as nature provides everything. It is inconceivable to understand the human being without nature or alien to creation. There is, in indigenous understanding, a sacred or spiritual relationship, a true symbiosis, because everything that concerns nature also concerns humanity.
I remember that in the past and even today, when working in the fields, men and women blessed the place or the area because they believed that that place has a history, therefore it has life.
The salvation of each one also passes through the salvation of nature or creation, and the custody of our common home as the good of all, not only of indigenous peoples, but of all humanity.
The full article is available in the SMD 2023 booklet, in Italian, English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.